Around the World Costume for Men – The Spanish Bullfighter

This is a costume idea for Halloween, theme party or other occasion that is suitable for men, that of the Spanish bullfighter, or torero. The torero is not solely found in Spain. Bullfighting is also done in other countries that have been influenced by Spain, such as France, Mexico, Portugal and Peru to name a few. Toreros are sometimes called toreadors, but this is an invented English word, rather than an original Spanish one. The main bullfighter, the one who kills the bull, is known as the maestro or matador de toros, sometimes simply called a matador in English.

Although there are different types of torero, the costume that is worn by all of them is very distinctive. This is known as the traje de luces, or suit of lights, and is the traditional dress. It got its name from the reflective threads, of gold or silver, and sequins that can be found on the costume. There are many parts to a full costume, and there are some variations between the different type of torero.

The Head

The hat worn by the bullfighter is known as a montera, which is covered in astrakhan fur with a lining of velvet, and is often decorated. It has two bulbs to the sides which signify the horns of a bull.

The Body

On the legs are worn taleguilla, which are close fitting tights that extend below the knee and are secured with either tasselled cords or decorated gaiters. They are held up by braces worn below the top clothing.

On the body is worn a camisa, a plain white, occasionally embroidered, shirt. A corbatin, a narrow black necktie is worn over this.

Over the shirt is worn a chaquetilla, a short, rigid jacket, reinforced at the shoulder and only attached at the upper shoulder.

The capote de paseo is a short cape that is covered in rich embroidery. This is later replaced with the long cape, that comes in red or purple, when the performance starts.

The Feet

Two pairs of socks, or medias, are worn, those underneath being white and those on top usually being made from pink silk, but they are occasionally red or black. On the feet themselves are worn zapatillas, flat slippers which are secured with a bow.