Around the World Costume for Women – The Kimono

Here’s a costume idea from Japan that is suitable for Halloween or theme parties. Although this is classed as a costume for women, the kimono was in the past and is still today also worn by men, although it is most commonly worn by women.

The kimono is a traditional Japanese garment whose name literally translates as “thing to wear.” The kimono is a full length robe in a T-shape whose hem falls to the ankle. Attached to it are collars and long, wide sleeves. A kimono variant known as the furisode has sleeves which reach almost to the floor and is worn by unmarried women. As well as the furisode, there are a number of different types of kimono, and choosing the correct one for the correct occasion is important. They can vary from formal to casual, which is determined primarily by the colour and the pattern of the garment’s fabric.

Kimonos are worn by wrapping them around the body, with the left side covering the right, and are secured by a sash known as an obi which is tied at the back. As a proper kimono outfit, with all its accompaniments, can easily cost up to US$20,000, a proper kimono is not really the best choice for a costume party. Instead, either a cheaper replica should be worn, or a second hand one, which can be cost under ten dollars or, alternatively, one could be hired from a costume shop.

The Head

For a woman, a traditional Japanese hairstyle, or for those with hair that isn’t long enough or the wrong colour, a wig imitating it should be worn.

The Body

For the body, this is, of course, the kimono itself. There are a lot of other accessories that could also be worn, but these are what increases the cost of the kimono, and can probably be skipped for a costume.

The Feet

On the feet there should be split-toe socks, known as tabi, and tradition footwear, such as the zori or geta. Zori are flat, thonged Japanese sandals and geta are another type of thonged sandal with an elevated wooden base.