Around the World Costume Idea for Women – The Flamenco Dancer

For a costume idea for women suitable for Halloween or a theme party, here’s one that originates in Spain – the flamenco dancer.

Flamenco comes from the Andalusian region of Spain and is a type of folk music. There are different components to flamenco (a name which could mean flamingo, flame-coloured or Flemish), such as singing, guitar playing, hand claps and dance. In this case, it’s the outfit of the traditional flamenco dancer. Flamenco can be performed in a variety of settings, from the more spontaneous gathering to the more formal performances that would be watched by an audience in a concert hall or similar.

Flamenco dancing is intense and stresses a proud carriage, using the arms in an expressive manner and emotional intensity, accompanied by a rhythmic stamping of the feet, or tap dancing. The dress most recognisable is one that was designed to cater for the tourist trade.

The Body

The flamenco dress is tight fitting to the upper and middle body, often brightly coloured – reds are popular – with spots on it.  The lower, skirt part of the dress, which reaches to the floor, is much looser and ends in a series of frills.

The Feet

High heels are common – for both men and women – but these are strongly heeled shoes (such as the Cuban heel), as normal, thin high heels would not hold up well in the stamping, tap dance part of the performances. Proper shoes are expensive, so for a costume something else may be preferred.

The Accessories

There are a few accessories that are sometimes used in flamenco performances. These tend to be such things as fans, shawls and castanets. Castanets are a type of hand-held percussion instrument in the form of two concave shells (these are not made from real shells, but would be more commonly made from wood, although fibreglass versions are becoming more common) loosely joined together on the flat edge by a piece of strong. Performers hold these in their hands and click them together.